Thursday, November 29, 2012

Duster Socks

I recently ran out of the cloths that attach to my floor duster. I had recently scored five skeins of my favorite cotton yarn and decided to knit up a few replacements. I modified a pattern I found on line.

The new "socks" grab plenty of the dust, cat hair and flotsam and jetsam that accumulates on my hardwood floors. When I'm done, the socks go into the wash to be cleaned for the next cleaning day.

Whenever possible, I prefer things that don't leave La Casa once they've arrived. Food, for example. I hate to throw away anything edible. Any veggies that are too tired for soup go into the compost bin to become soil for next year's veggies. I develop meal plans that use up all the meat products we buy.

I didn't use many duster cloths and I know that it won't make a significant difference in the landfills if there are a few fewer.  It is more a mindset shift to go to reusable cloths. And I like having a quick and easy knitting project!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Produce Exchange

Several years ago, I was intrigued by a flyer in Santa Barbara for a produce exchange. Not long after, I read an article in the newspaper about a local produce exchange. I was warmly welcomed into the group and began sharing veggies and herbs from La Casa.

During the growing season, we meet once or twice a month at a member's house. It's like the fishes and loaves-- it seems like members leave with more than they brought! We discuss gardening issues, share announcements of gardening events, and then share the bounty of our gardens. Several times a year we have a potluck, usually built around a theme. Last weekend, members of the group met to make dozens and dozens of tamales for the holidays.

It's a great way to supplement the produce I don't grow in a manageable quantity. Through the generosity of my fellow exchangers, I've learned new gardening techniques and tried fruits and veggies I had never tried before. It's a wonderful way to build community and share the excess (especially herbs) that might end up in the compost bin.

In our last meeting, a member brought lots of Granny Smith apples grown on her property. I have been longing to make apple pie and this was a great opportunity to stock up on lots of pie-worthy apples.  La Casa is going to smell heavenly on a chilly autumn night!