Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Little Help from My Friends

Last night, very spur of the moment, two dear friends stopped by with pizzas. I whipped up a salad, Man of the House opened a bottle of the good vino and we ate and talked and laughed.

With the ups and downs of the past few weeks, it was good to relax with good friends, to enjoy the simple pleasures of conversation and food. These are the things that make life glow.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Last Thursday, after 14 years of employment at my company, I was laid off. I had seen this coming for a while so I was not especially surprised.

We had a good run, my company and I. But now I am eager to see what is next for me. I have a book that needs to be edited and released and a ton of projects around the house to tackle. The tomato plants are starting to set fruit and the garden could use some attention. There is much to be done before I start the job search.