Monday, September 30, 2019

Fourth Quarter

This is my favorite time of the year. The summer heat (not that we had much this year) is cooling down and the light grows softer and more golden in the afternoons. In the morning, I feel a refreshing crispness in the air.The farmers' market is still full of peppers, eggplant and basil, but there are also the first winter  squashes. The abundance is intoxicating and I revel in all the dishes I can make.

After the pleasures of summer, it is a delight to feel a renewed call to discipline and planning. The rest of the year will be busy, with a cascade of holidays, so I get out my beloved Filofax and start planning so that everything will get done. I dream of projects to bring to fruition and revive plans that had been set aside to pursue summer activities.

This year, I am aided by an unexpected change. For the foreseeable future I will be working four days a week instead of five, with (of course) a corresponding cut in pay. It's a sacrifice, to be sure, but I see potential:  additional time and energy to work on the projects that bring me joy and satisfaction.

One of those projects is to revive La Dama de la Casa. I now have Mondays off so I plan to write a blog post that day. I will continue to focus on simple living and the joys of making, as well as some philosophy and unexpected topics. A few years ago a friend urged me to write about my wide range of enthusiasms so I will finally take her up on it. I hope you find my ramblings interesting and inspiring.

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